Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday I met up with Chris, Susan, Debs(blogless) and Nadine(who Ive been meaning to meet for aagggggges) at the Liverpool's Catholic cathedral cafe. We all took our knitting and had a lovely relaxing time talking, laughing and knitting. I was reminded while I was there that I hadn't posted on here since July! plus I still haven't put any photos on my Rav acct! Slapped wrists for me I think lol.
I was very brave this morning and went to town to get Jak's Xmas pressies. She drove me in and then met up with me later. We were only in town for about 2 hrs and most of that was taken up with having a cup of tea and a toasted teacake! I was very pleased with myself that I managed to do it esp after Friday I almost ran(well half hobbled) out of a shop and Saturday I abandoned poor Jak in Morrisons with the trolley as I just couldn't cope :(
Today tho', I treated myself to a mooch in the LYS and discovered they have all weights of RYC Cashsoft in their sale starting on Monday......guess where I'm going with my Xmas money on Tuesday?! I'm working my normal days all over the festive period apart from Bank Hols of course!
Have a lovely Xmas everyone....that's if there are still people that click here once in a while! I'll see you all soon x
Thursday, July 3, 2008
New things.....
Woolfest was the order of last weekend. J and I drove up on the Thursday to pitch our tent(with help from Chris) in very strong wind before coming back home as I had work on Friday morning....I've already booked time off well in advance for next year! So we went back to the Lakes on Friday afternoon. Our site, Graysonside, was lovely(again I've provisionally booked for next year). There were quite a few ravellers camping there too.....Minder and her daughter Lily, Babylonglegs, Miffyrabbit and Lottie, Eluned and her lovely hubby and dogs as well as Chris in the B+B well away from the wind and rain!!!! There were lots of other people there too but I didn't get to chat to many :( as I wasn't feeling too good when the knit group met on the Friday evening.
We went to Woolfest on Saturday and as usual it was breathtaking. J had a genuine case of wool fumes and needed to go outside every so often. It was so lovely meeting up with old friends and new. The whole event is such a social occasion, even non crafters can enjoy it...J had a great time even when I gave her 1200g of gorgeous raw alpaca fleece to carry lol
I came away with quite a haul. I tried to concentrate on undyed fibres but I gave in when I saw Freyalyn, Yarn Yard and Jeni's dyed spinning stuff. Apart from that I ended up with lots of things to blend on my new drumcarder, a flick carder and dyes. I also did a bit of a swap with Chris and she gave me a BFL fleece(which I washed on Tuesday) a drop spindle and lots of other things.
A lot of people went home on the Sunday but J and I were staying 'til Monday. So we went to a zoo type thing. It turned out a really good place to go and J had the life scared out of her when a Lima decided to use her back as a spring board!! After all the excitement and energy use from the weekend I ended up with the migraine from hell Sunday afternoon which lasted 'til Monday morning. We got back to our house Monday afternoon which was still in one piece! Ad proved me wrong (for once) and apart from a few dishes needing doing the house was tidy with no evidence of shaving foam fights etc like previous times when he has been left!!!!!
Photos next time x
Monday, June 2, 2008
At Last!
I had 2 surprises last week...
1. The washer man turned up out of the blue. So I now have a working washing machine, thank goodness.
2. I got my very long awaited back pay!
So I've been having a bit of a spending spree. A has had some new clothes, J a new phone and clothes and the cats have all had brand new collars....it's very loud in our house due to all the jingling! Even George is wearing a collar now, which is something I thought I'd never see as his eczema can be really bad around his neck area, he looks really posh and is very happy with it!
My big treat will come later in the week as I'm off to the Threshing barn to try a new Louet Julia wheel. I've been eyeing up a folding wheel for a while now, and after seeing the specs for the Julia I feel it might just be what I'm looking for :)
Hopefully pics of any haul next time.......
Monday, May 26, 2008
....and here's the yarn!
Ooooo I've been a naughty blogger
Here are some finished projects to show what I've been up to.....
First is my Mystic Light shawl modelled by J. It is knit in Posh Yarn Lei.

Here is some BFL I dyed esp to spin for Mystic Meadows. The spec for it is 960yd of fingering weight yarn. I finished plying all but 100g of it on Saturday and after skeining up I realised I was 66yd short!!!! Anyway another 50g has been spun and I now have a total of 1050yd, so that should be enough...I still have 60g unspun just in case. Below is the same fibre as I predrafted it. I dyed it using Ashford dyes, purple and hot pink.....very potent dyes(first time I've used this brand). I'll have to post the swatch and yarn another time as I'm having trouble with the connection between the camera and pc atm.

I have also swatched for the Apres Surf Hoody from Interweave knits but can't wash it as I will the garment as my washing machine is bust! It broke a few weeks ago now and the engineer has been out a few times(on the insurance) and now just waiting for him to come back tomorrow with the final part. I've been herding washing out left right and centre, all our mates have been stars.
I did have some bad news last month....the DWP have decided in their infinite wisdom not to let me have DLA....aaaggghhhhh. Basically every reason they have come up with to say why I can't have it is the total opposite to the reality of living with this bloody illness. So I had a trip to my local Citizens Advice Bureau and they are helping with my appeal. I even showed my GP the letter I had and he couldn't believe what was written. So while I'm waiting for the appeal process I'm just hoping that my (very)long overdue back pay comes in sooner rather than later....esp with Woolfest on the near horizon..................
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Ooooo a social life at last!
Thank you to everyone who has asked about Captain. He has perked up a little(still not his usual grumpy but very loving self quite yet) and I took him back to the vets. The vet tried to express some urine from him as we hadn't been able to get a sample ourselves...well bless him, Captain then couldn't stop weeing!!!! So the vet was pleased he had a full bladder(I suppose it showed his kidneys are working) and wants to see him again next week.
I'm now a third of the way thro' my 3rd clue of Mystic Light so the craft drought has hopefully gone! I'd better get some more knitting done.......
Sunday, April 6, 2008

Yesterday, we took him to the vets as we had noticed he couldn't 'wee'.
It turns out he has a feline urinary syndrome. He has had all his bloods tested and a small amount of urine too. His kidneys don't appear to be in great shape and he is showing a small sign of infection. We came away from the vets with plastic granular litter to try and get a urine sample from him(very difficult as 1. he cant wee and 2. he prefers going outside), syringes to get liquid down him, antibiotics and Feliaway(a pheromone that's supposed to chill cats out).
Last night he came over for a big cuddle and we have been feeding him wet food (as opposed to his usual dry)and cat milk to get some liquid in him.
He seems a little happier today.
Got to go back to the vets on Tuesday.....thank god for insurance!
It's snowing!

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter

The pattern is Jacobs Ladder by Debbie Tomkies(it's also in March '08 Simply Knitting). I knitted it in Colinette Jitterbug but not sure what the colourway is as it's was a pressie from Chris. This is my first toe up sock and the yarn was lovely to knit with. It's a fab pattern that's really straight forward(esp as I've never been successful with toe ups before). I'm going to try and master a short row heel next.
I'm really pleased, Jacqui, my UK swap partner got her parcel from me. She seems happy with it. This has been a fab swap, I'm just waiting on the post now to complete a 'thank you' present for Delle after sending me such a lovely box of goodies.
I've also finished C's Xmas pressie. She is over the moon with it but I'll have to post pics another time as I gave her it on Thursday and forgot to get some before I handed it over.
Chris popped over on Saturday afternoon. I was really ill on Friday with a migrainy/24hr bug type of thing that I'm still pretty weedy from. Well, I ended up missing guild as I really didn't think I could cope with a few hours dyeing, I was gutted as it was one meeting that I really wanted to go to. Anyway, Chris, bless her, came over afterwards and brought some goodies for me.
This is what she picked up at Skip North for me. Amongst other things are nearly a kilo of navy wool, 2 skeins of sock yarn and lots of fibres to play with!!!! Thanks Chris it was lovely to see you!
Oh well going to find a toe up sock pattern with short rows to cast on and hopefully finish before Mystic Light starts!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Look what the postie has brought me this week!

I've got no excuse now not to make any plus it means I can use all those little odds and sods of yarn I've got hanging round. This was bought off ebay from a fantastic seller, who has now started her own blog .
Sarah if it helps
SP=secret pal
SOSii= secret of the stole 2(a lace knit a long)
SSS=spring shawl surprise(another lace knit a long)
As far as washing fleece it's really preference. I tend to wash a few handfuls at a time in my 'wash' bowl but others use the bath for the whole thing! What I'd say is let it soak in as hot as poss out of the tap water with a good squirt of washing up liquid and leave it. Then rinse (bringing the water cooler each time) by soaking in clean water until you're happy there's no soap left. Don't rub the fibre. If it is really dirty I gently open the locks by hand...yes it takes time but worth it to avoid felting esp when it's a nice fleece...and the rinsing will remove the dirt.
...any others questions please give me a shout esp as I'll prob ask you bout weaving!
And last but not least look at this amazing UK swap package I got from the very thoughtful and kind Delle !!!
I all came wrapped in beautiful red tissue paper with little tags attached.

Fyberspates bamboo/merino sock yarn in 'flowers'....so soft and I've been dying to knit with bamboo for ages!
Shunklies Lace weight lambs wool and silk in 'warm spice'...a special knit I think.
All these yarns (Delle didn't know) I have been secretly drooling over...the exact blends and colourways!!!!!!
Then Audrey has been spoilt too! there is some camel top to spin(from Shunklies). I've never spun camel before and don't have any in my stash! So I'll prob blend it with something and plan something yummy for it!
My needles got a treat in the form of a buffer! I've filed my bamboo needles before but never actually thought of buffing them! What a fab idea!
There was some gorgeous Lush products, solid bubble bath and solid bath oil both have the most beautiful relaxing fragrance to them.....J was out with her mates last night so I gave these a test run!
And of course there was chocolate....my faves....Green and Black dark choc and Maltesers!
THANK YOU SO MUCH DELLE. I feel as tho' I've been really spoiled, I had a lump in my throat while I was opening it all as I was so touched. I love it all and you have def got me spot on!!!
Today J and me are going to attempt the Trafford centre. So a trip to Lush is def in order and I can already hear the Mirasol calling my name in Lewis'! I also need to buy one last thing for my swap pal before her parcel gets sent off.
There's also a 'farmers market' not far away which we are going to visit too!

Thursday, February 28, 2008
Long time no blog?!

This is the hand spun (with what looks like George in the way as usual)I was going to use for my mate's scarf but it didn't look right at all. So I've started it in some DBliss alpaca silk I had hiding in my stash....the hand spun is now having a think as to what it wants to be!
I'm in the middle of a pressie for my UK Swap Pal. The rest of her parcel is finished so just got to get cracking on that.
I went to Guild on Saturday with Chris. We made Yorkshire buttons. Chris was fab and drove all the way from her house to mine(about 40Min's) and onto guild and back again! Her confidence is really coming on, plus it really helped me as there was no way I could have driven on Sat!
Quick msg to my SP....I've not got a mail addy to reply to you, but pink eyelash!!!!?????? LOL!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Audrey is having cosmetic surgery
Anyway the flyer and bobbins just need some varnish and then they are ready for Audrey to have her boob job!
Ooooops I'm a bit late!
Topic of the Week #4: Valentine's Day
I know this isn't knitting related, but I thought I'd ask you to share your favourite Valentine's Day memory, or your current plans for this year. Just to share some love. :)
I'm usually really useless at occasions. I'm aware they are there but never get round to getting a card! Well this year was different, J left me a card before she went to work and I ........wait for it......got her a card, chocs, roses and some yummy massage oil!!! Needless to say she was very surprised and shocked!
You see, J and me tend to have 'spoil' times throughout the year. I'm pretty spontaneous and if I see or think of something I'll do it(energy permitting).
My fondest memory is when I first moved back to M/side. A(he was 11 at the time), Poppy and I turned up at J's place of work and text her to tell her to open the security door. There we were standing there with a single red rose as a surprise for her.
here's the next topic.....
Topic of the Week #5: Anticipation
What kind of Spoilee are you? Are you paranoid that it's not being sent, or lost in the post? Do you want it to arrive quickly? OR Do you enjoy the anticipation? Sitting and pondering when it will arrive... and anxiously waiting for it, close to the deadline?
I just love having parcels coming thro' the post, and I'm more than happy to wait. I find it interesting as to how people interpret my tastes. I have loved all the swap parcels I've received.
Well not much has happened this week apart from having the ok to go down to working 2 days a week at work, but only once they have sorted my pay out to what it should be. This will make my life so much easier and it means I will be able to have a little bit of a social life rather than work dominating my weeks......Donna and Chris watch out as I will be able to come to knitting when it's all sorted!!!!!!!!
I've completed the most recent SoSii clue but no pics as the usb cable is playing up :(
Still got to finish the SSS clue before the next one comes out on Tuesday.
Oh yeh, I managed to do some dyeing for a pressie for my UK swap pal....so no pics there either sorry! And I've started on her parcel buying too! ....I love putting parcels together.
I'd better go and catch up on my SSS.........
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
My Grandad is 87!

Project Process..UK Swap topic
As far as projects are concerned I do a bit of both. Sometimes I find a pattern and then go hunting for yarn but then again I sometimes find yummy yarn and have to search for a pattern for it.
I do stash bust at times eg. if I want to knit some gloves, I'll look in my stash and then at patterns(usually online) and try and match the two.
Altho' it is nice to spin a fibre to knit for a particular project and dye it too!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The weekend
Chris and I went to the North Cheshire guild in Croft for a day of long draw spinning. After a very slow start by me I think I've got the hang of it now!!!! We both decide to join the guild and so will be back next month making buttons?!
So Saturday was my 'test' before I went back to work on Monday. After only 5 hrs I was shattered to say the least, needless to say no knitting was done until Sunday.
I went to work on Monday, came home that evening and lay on the sofa and next thing I knew it was 1130pm! So I'm glad that I have managed to take today and Friday as holiday.
I've put my holiday in at work and also booked my camping pitch for Woolfest so I'm really pleased that has been sorted out. I've also put hols in at work for a tattoo convention in July and Whitby Goth weekend in October.
It was my birthday yesterday and I had a lovely day. My mum came over and we went out for lunch. J couldn't get yesterday off work so I'm going to have my birthday with her on Friday.
I got some pennies for my drum carding fund, clothes, books, fibre, posh yarn voucher, some smellies and chocolate. My mates from work bought me a 'nursey' watch which I've been wanting for months as we aren't allowed to wear normal watches at work.
As you can see I've finally been able to work out 'links'....just got to sort out a link for my questionnaire now!!!
My UK Questionnaire
Do you knit, crochet, or both?
I am primarily a knitter altho' I can crochet I'm not very good at it(despite having books on the subject!)
What do you like to make?
At the mo I'm taking part in a lot of lace KAL's, I enjoy doing them but they are usually destined as gifts as I'm not a big shawl wearer. Other than that I enjoy socks, gloves, garments etc. Anything really that holds my interest!
Do you have a favourite project?
er.....I like to have a complicated as well as an easy(mindless) project on the go, so I can swap between the 2 depending on what I want to do.
Do you have a favourite type of fiber or brand of yarn?
Anything with natural fibres
Do you have a least favourite type of yarn?
Acrylically stuff......altho' it does come in handy for the pets beds!
Do you do any other crafts?
Oh yes! I spin with my wheel, Audrey and enjoy dyeing yarn and fibre. I do a bit of felting too...whatever takes my fancy really.
What knitting do you bring ‘on the go’?
Usually socks or gloves but I do take my lace to work with me....I knit during my breaks and it helps me switch off.
What do you carry your ‘on the go’ knitting in?
One of those jute bags from the supermarket!
Do you want something new?
I can never have too many bags as I like to have a project in separate ones.....I have 3 sitting near me as I type!!!
Are there any knitting gifts (book, toy, yarn, item, tool) that you have been lusting over?
Not sure really, I do still use my original set of bamboo needles I bought when i was 18 and I'm trying to slowly replace them(they can be a little rough and are not as good quality as some that are around nowadays) and I love circulars and have just treated myself to a few sets of addi lace from Socktopus.
Part Two: Your Favourites
What is your favourite colour?
Greens, oranges, dark reds, blues, purples...the darker side of colours really
What is your least favourite colour?
Pink!! although I don't mind it in variegated yarn/fibre. I don't like neons!
What scents/smells do you like?
Lavender and relaxing fragrances. Orange and fresh fragrances too!
What don’t you like?
Vanilla...it gives me bad headaches!
How do you like to pamper yourself? (bubble bath, hand creams, massage, manicure)
I have a long bath every night so anything bath orientated and I've always got hand cream close by too! I've recently discovered 'Soap and Glory' at Boots and love it!
What goodies to you like to treat your tummy with? (chocolate, biscuits, truffles, etc.)
I love dark chocolate...Green and Blacks. But Maltesers are my all time fave sweet!
Do you prefer tea or coffee while you knit?
Either...I drink a lot of both...the stronger the better esp tea! I have been know to use 2 bags per cup.
Any particular kind?
I'm a PG and Kenco girl.
Favourite mug/cup?
I have one I use for tea and one for coffee. I'm a firm believer in that tea tastes better in a china mug...has to be a big mug tho'!!
Do you listen to/watch anything while you knit? (TVshow-Along, movies, music, podcasts)
The TV is on most of the time.
Part Three: Living & Past-times
Where do you live in the UK? (General idea not address)
St Helens, Merseyside
Have you always lived here, or did you grow up somewhere else?
I was born and lived my first 18 yrs on the Wirral. I moved to Cardiff for 2 yrs to go to college and then onto S Yorks for 6 yrs before leaving my hubby to move in with my female partner in St Helens 7yrs ago....So I'm now back home in Merseyside!
If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Ooooooo somewhere cold and snowy so I could wear lots of woolly things....I'm not very good with heat even in this country!
If you couldn't’t go to a knitting group, what other kind of gathering would you go to? (book club, tea party, yoga class, jewelery class, etc.)
Spinning or dyeing....hands down!
What’s your style? (elegant, traditional, glamourous, girly, natural, sporty, outgoing, etc.)
I'm just me really, erm I prob come across as studenty I suppose. I'm very much a combat pants and t shirt kinda girl.
Final Part:
Any allergies/preferences (fiber-wise or treat-wise)?
Just Vanilla really.
Anything we missed that you’d like your partner to know?
I am a big animal lover! I own 10 cats and a dog, so anyone I'm matched with will prob get a bit of free animal fibre with their goodies!!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Woo Hoo we have photos at last!

So now I'm up to date with knitted items, I'm going to spend today plying the green tweedy stuff that's been on my bobbins for ages. It just means I can free them up ready for tomorrows trip to the North Cheshire guild with Chris, where we are doing long draw spinning...I must go and dig out my carders and niddy noddy!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
A Belated Happy New Year
New year was fun as J and I went to see St Trinians at the cinema which was great.
On the knitting front:-
I've still not blocked MW
I've finished MS6 and that needs blocking too!
Finished knitting the polka dot gloves, they took ages as I'm not used to colour work, just need to sew buttons and finger 'hats' on.
Started Spring Shawl Surprise in 1ply weight yarn and ended up restarting in a thicker yarn. So finished clue 2 today and hope to have clue 3 done before Tuesday and then I'm caught up.
Need to start SoSii which I'm using a alpaca/wool blend from Forsells (I've been very good and already swatched).
I ended ripping Branching Out completely. I loved the yarn and colour but the pattern was doing nothing for me. So the beautiful cash/silk is sitting in my cupboard waiting for just the right project.
My Knitting new years resolutions are(as required by UK swap)
1. Get over my mind block of fine laceweight/cobweb yarn.
I really don't know why I get this. I never seem to have trouble with instructions...give me any pattern and I'm away, but fine yarn er...no......any suggestions will be welcome regarding this matter! I've already thought about knitting a no-brainer shawl to give me a bit of confidence?
2. Finish any UFO's.....
I've only got 2 garments to finish, so I think I'll pick those up soon as I'm sure to get 'laced out' soon seeing as I've joined 5, yes 5! KAL's
I borrowed Chris' Drum Carder a few weeks ago. What a difference this has made! It still takes the same amount of time to card fleece but with much less effort! So I've asked my family for donations to the 'Mel would really like to buy an Ashford drum carder' fund for my birthday...which is only a week on Tuesday....sssqqquuuueeeeeeee!
(Photos when the light gets better)