The pattern is Jacobs Ladder by Debbie Tomkies(it's also in March '08 Simply Knitting). I knitted it in Colinette Jitterbug but not sure what the colourway is as it's was a pressie from Chris. This is my first toe up sock and the yarn was lovely to knit with. It's a fab pattern that's really straight forward(esp as I've never been successful with toe ups before). I'm going to try and master a short row heel next.
I'm really pleased, Jacqui, my UK swap partner got her parcel from me. She seems happy with it. This has been a fab swap, I'm just waiting on the post now to complete a 'thank you' present for Delle after sending me such a lovely box of goodies.
I've also finished C's Xmas pressie. She is over the moon with it but I'll have to post pics another time as I gave her it on Thursday and forgot to get some before I handed it over.
Chris popped over on Saturday afternoon. I was really ill on Friday with a migrainy/24hr bug type of thing that I'm still pretty weedy from. Well, I ended up missing guild as I really didn't think I could cope with a few hours dyeing, I was gutted as it was one meeting that I really wanted to go to. Anyway, Chris, bless her, came over afterwards and brought some goodies for me.
This is what she picked up at Skip North for me. Amongst other things are nearly a kilo of navy wool, 2 skeins of sock yarn and lots of fibres to play with!!!! Thanks Chris it was lovely to see you!
Oh well going to find a toe up sock pattern with short rows to cast on and hopefully finish before Mystic Light starts!
Happy Easter, Mel! I hope you're having a wonderful day and feeling great as well!
Lots of love, Liz
Lovely socks, really cheery!
Cool haul. Lucky you :)
Hi Mel, I love the socks, yet another thing that is going on my "to do" list. Also the fibres looked really nice colourwise.
Hope you're feeling better.
Sarah / catssmudge
Happy Belated EAster. Hope you feel better now. Love the socks. fab haul there. How come I didnt know about skip North? Mind you at least its let my wallet breath!!
Happy Easter. Good to read all about your goodies. I love the socks...did you find the next pattern in time? I think i may have something lurking around if my memory serves correct. xx
OMG would you really? Wow! Thanks for dropping by the blog. I STILL can't get gauge can you believe it. Now I AM stamping. Gosh if you would I'd love any of the sea colours or red/oranges. Thanks xxx
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