Saturday, February 10, 2007

What a night?!

this is my 1st ever post on a blog n yesterday i was wondering what to write and then....
sitting quietly knitting a pair of socks last night there was a massive crash at the window.
some1 had thrown a massive snow/ice ball at the window and had managed to break the outside of the double glazing!! my poor cats were so scared esp bella who had been sitting on the window ledge when it happened. so we ended up with the police coming out as this isnt the 1st time weve had broken windows! we arent sure if whoever it was did it to try n hit the cats or if it was a homophobic attack(as it has been before) but either way there was a lot of force behind it and it souldnt have happened.
so now when i look out of the window all i can see is a lovely sheet of cheap wood covering what used to be glass.
anyway after all that finished the socks, nice as well if i say so myself..theyv got a lace cuff and a slip stitch heel done in 100% wool i picked up at a stitching show(variegated khaki colour).....i decided i start some stash busting!!!! so went on the hunt for some chunky i knew was hiding in my box room,this was at 10pm. by the time id finished and had a bath it was 1240am....aaagghhh i feel crap today because of it!!!
but..i did manage to find (and bag) a good few cones of machine knitting yarn i was originally going to wind up together to produce a better thickness for hand knitting. so they are going to my mate who has recently acquired a knitting machine. she does a lot for a baby charity(blankets,clothes etc) so i thought they would keep her going for a while.
so we all know what that means...some stash out...more room for something else!!!
the chunky i eventually found is for a hot water bottle cover pattern that the same friend designed, and as its so cold here at the moment i thought my hottie could do with a face lift.
so off to cast on.............


sarah said...

welcome to Blogland.

What a b***er about your window. Hope it was just larking about and not personal.

Love the name you have chosen for your blog.

Unknown said...

Love the name Mel. I must put a link on our Stitchlinks blog.

The window business must have given you a fright, hope you get it sorted quickly.

Will you post us a picture of the hot water bottle cover when it's done?