Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hi Ho Hi Ho its back to work i go! (at last)

what a fab day! i finally went back to work yesterday armed with my TENS machine after 5 weeks off sick.
after a chat with my boss it has been decided i am now to learn the lab side of my job...hhhuurrraaahhh iv been wanting to do it for ages. so im now working in the lab on wed and fri and then on a monday im to scan on a diff camera to usual. ill still cover dinners which will keep my hand in elsewhere. but all in all a lot less physically n mentally draining for me!!!!
in previous hospitals iv really enjoyed the lab work so im so pleased im being given the opportunity to learn here!!
on the knitting front iv started my 1st pair of jaywalkers in parrot opal. i completed an earflap hat the other night which just needs sewing up....and so far it fits my ridiculously sized head(it measures 24 in) !!! to follow
my sock club yarn arrived from earlier...mmmmmmm gorgeous merino as well as some scrumptious in 'fruit salad'..its so yummy 40% silk 55%bluefaced leicester. iv been brave as i normally go for greens,purples n blues when buying yarn n these are more pinks n yellows.
so just gonna spend the rest of the day doing housework and then more knitting....bliss!

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