Received a parcel this morning from my secret pal containing 'One Skein' by Leigh Radford. Im so pleased. It was the only knitting book I actually wanted and now I own it....good job Iv finished the socks for E's brother(top left) and the fingerless mitts(pic another time) for my sisters mate as Im dying to start something from it, nothing too big as i want to leave this weekend free for other things.....Thank you so much Keylime Ply xx
middle pic is of 1st jaywalker as modelled by J...still got the other to do!
the pic on the right is Captain(my main man) not looking too happy due to the flash...
You're welsome! Once I discovered that I could order and send something from Amazon.uk, I couldn't resist it! I'm glad it was delivered so quickly--and on the perfect day, because it was my birthday. Happy Birthday (to me) to you! :)
Your socks look fantastic!
Hiya, thanks for your comment on my blog, it's always nice to get to know new people, particularly when they're not over the other side of the globe!
Hope you're enjoying SP10 as much as I am, I've posted 2 of my 3 parcels off now but it'll be a month or so before I get my first goodies from my SP 'cos they've only recently sent them Surface.
anyway, to answer your questions, Inspired Cable knits was from Warehouse Deals off Amazon.co.uk, they're the Amazon supplier that reduces books loads when they're scratched etc., but there's more info on that in an earlier blog. My LYS is Ryder House in Liscard (Seaview Road), Wallasey. It's been stuck in a timewarp since the '60's so take cash and be really complementary to the old lady behind the till!
She's closing down the shop after the death of her husband and the MAtchmaker's now half price so £1.40 per ball. You can have whatever you want of what you can see but don't ask her if there's more of a colour in the cubbies 'cos it's hidden all around the shop and she's not good on her pins. There are quite a few packs up above though but colours are limited. Great if you're not choosy though. NOw important, opening times. The first day she's open this week is Thursday, 10-12.30 then 1.30-3. She's usually open Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat those hours. Her plan is to close by the end of this month but I don't see it personally- far too much stock to shift!
Everything's 25% off yarn, but some things are even cheaper, plus she's got a bucketload of Sirdar Click bought in just before he died!
Anyway, somewhat wordy reply!! but hoepfully there's enough info for you. Any more queries, just leave me a message.
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