First of all I'd like to thank everyone for your lovely comments about my spinning. Unfortunately I've not been able to spin this week as my darling cats have been playing with my wheel and so sprung my brake spring!!!!!!! I was not happy as you can imagine. Luckily Janet from the Threshing Barn got my order for two new ones to me on Saturday morning(I only ordered them on Friday mid morning!).... with fab customer service as always!
So I took the time to get cracking on my 'Conwy' socks. I've took a different aproach to these socks than normal by knitting them both at the same time...I've just got another 8 rounds to do on the one on the left to match the right one and then its onto the heel flaps. I've only knitted them to 6in in length as I tend to wear short socks.
We went to B&Q yesterday and bought some bedding plants to put in the front garden. So while J was busy putting them in I planted some tomato, pepper, courgette and dwarf green beans in the greenhouse. I've stuck to just 4 veg this year as it means I can still look after them even if I have a bad day!