This week has been really nice so far. Chris invited me to a Guild 'meet' at a lovely lady's garden on Tuesday. Apparently this happens once a year that she opens her garden for guild members. We had a lovely afternoon spinning. I managed to ply the sugared almond....pics next time as it's drying at the moment. I managed to get 270yds Navajo plyed, so there's enough for some DK socks. The garden was beautiful, it was like something out of a novel. It was so quiet and sitting in stunning surroundings it felt like I was on holiday! A real secret garden.
After having a long day out on Tuesday, yesterday I was shattered to say the least. At lunchtime I had a wander to Abakhan and picked up some Welsh Mountain top....yes you read correctly Abakhans selling spinning fibres!!!!! It is pretty kempy and with the dark fibre you would expect from Welsh mountain, but it is softer than I thought it would be. So I thought at the very least I could do some dyeing with it!
I also managed to have a look around for SP11 gifts...........
Talking of which I had an email from my pal today. She sounds really lovely. I'm so looking forward to spoiling her!
I'm off now to have another stab at Presto Chango...the sooner it's finished, the sooner I can start the cheeky chinos cardi, the sooner I can start spinning my dyed fibre!!...That's saying that I stick to it!
What a great job you did with the dying!!! Are you sure that this was your first time??? Just gorgeous!
And the kittens? Too unbelievably cute!! Aren't kittens fun?? We've decided to keep our 3 and I'm so excited! The little faces on yours just melted my heart!
My Secret Pal seems very sweet! I don't have a lot of info my the SP I send to so I have to keep bugging her. For her own good, of course!!
Have a great day and rest!
Oh and the Monkeys are beautiful!! I just finished my first Monkeys too!! Isn't it a fun and easy pattern??
Wow, you've been busy. i love the yarn colours and the FO. But i do think lily is just beautiful, is she really that tiny? Want to swap one of my Smalls for one of yours?
Great dyes there, and the socks are fab.
I might have to come over and steal your kittens though!!
Gorgeous yarn and yay for the kitties as well, bless 'em.
As for the award, you just upload the image to blogger. I altered my layout to add a picture that way.
I loved your Dyed skein, cute Puddy too! Check my blog. There might be a little surprise for you!
Hi Mel, just to let you know that Abakhan have launched a NEW ONLINE SHOP at www.abakhan-onlineshop.co.uk.
I work for them, and have come across your blog. Thoughts / comments much appreciated.
Kind Regards
- Will
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