Sunday, September 30, 2007

Not much of a week

I've been off work all week. It's a throat infection that has been the culprit. Unlike most people that work thro' such illnesses I can't :(
I'm now feeling less shivery and achy thank goodness, and I've been able to get on with my secret knitting(when I've felt upto it), so I'm hopefully on the home straight with that now.
I think Audrey and myself need to do some spinning this afternoon as we have neglected each other a bit recently.
It's been so cold this week. Def a week of wearing knitted socks, gloves and scarves. We have even had the heating on!
Acupuncture went well. My right leg started while I was there and the acupuncturist positioned her needles to give me some relief. So got another appt with her on Tuesday, ready to go back to work on Wednesday.


Donna said...

Hi Mel. Sorry you've not been well. Could you email me donnac1968AThotmailDOTcoDOTuk and let me know how many and what size and colour sheep you would like, ie black/white, pink/white or bright colours? Thanks. Oh, and your address too!

Chris said...

Sorry to hear you've not been well, we can sniffle together as I've obviously picked up hubbies cold!

scarletti said...

too right with the too cold. the handwarmers you made me were straight on my hands and i was very very snug again.

sorry you've been poorly, I've been spending an age fighting off a similar sounding thing, so you're doing GREAT.
