Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ooooops I'm a bit late!

I'm a bit late with this post but here goes.......
Topic of the Week #4: Valentine's Day
I know this isn't knitting related, but I thought I'd ask you to share your favourite Valentine's Day memory, or your current plans for this year. Just to share some love. :)
I'm usually really useless at occasions. I'm aware they are there but never get round to getting a card! Well this year was different, J left me a card before she went to work and I ........wait for her a card, chocs, roses and some yummy massage oil!!! Needless to say she was very surprised and shocked!
You see, J and me tend to have 'spoil' times throughout the year. I'm pretty spontaneous and if I see or think of something I'll do it(energy permitting).
My fondest memory is when I first moved back to M/side. A(he was 11 at the time), Poppy and I turned up at J's place of work and text her to tell her to open the security door. There we were standing there with a single red rose as a surprise for her.

here's the next topic.....
Topic of the Week #5: Anticipation
What kind of Spoilee are you? Are you paranoid that it's not being sent, or lost in the post? Do you want it to arrive quickly? OR Do you enjoy the anticipation? Sitting and pondering when it will arrive... and anxiously waiting for it, close to the deadline?
I just love having parcels coming thro' the post, and I'm more than happy to wait. I find it interesting as to how people interpret my tastes. I have loved all the swap parcels I've received.

Well not much has happened this week apart from having the ok to go down to working 2 days a week at work, but only once they have sorted my pay out to what it should be. This will make my life so much easier and it means I will be able to have a little bit of a social life rather than work dominating my weeks......Donna and Chris watch out as I will be able to come to knitting when it's all sorted!!!!!!!!
I've completed the most recent SoSii clue but no pics as the usb cable is playing up :(
Still got to finish the SSS clue before the next one comes out on Tuesday.
Oh yeh, I managed to do some dyeing for a pressie for my UK swap no pics there either sorry! And I've started on her parcel buying too! ....I love putting parcels together.
I'd better go and catch up on my SSS.........


Hellbelle said...

Valentine's Day is my hubby's birthday, so that tends to take precidence, although I do always get nice pressies like chocs and flowers.

I remember once when I was at school, aged about 16, and one of the local boys sent a red rose to school for me and I had a message from the secretary to go and collect it and the whole school knew about it. It was really embarrasing but secretly I was pleased!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you've liked all your swaps so far - I hope I'm not the first one to judge things totally wrong. It was a bumper pack of pink eyelash yarn, right?

- Secret swap partner