Here's my main man Captain. He came in last night very wet. He immediately jumped on my knee for a cuddle and stayed there, despite the fact that I was spinning at the time!!! ...I managed to get A to take a photo as I don't think anyone would believe me if I told them.
I've not been a very good blogger recently. This has been due to going to court on Thursday of last week with G to support her while she gave evidence for a case. We got into Liverpool before 10 and didn't get home until gone 6!! So as you can imagine I've been on the tired side to say the least. It has really wiped me out and I'm still trying to recover now.
I managed to work on Friday(I don't know how!) and the weekend was spent spinning and knitting while J cleared out the back bedroom. Bless her, she has put all my stash together in one cupboard for me so I can get to it easier. I went to work on Monday, and Tuesday went out with G to a garden centre. I've made a promise to myself that I have to go out on at least 1 of my days off each week. So G and I raided the 'not quite dead yet' section and came back with a blue rhododendron each for 2 quid and a 2 bags of gladioli bulbs for 50p(they always remind me of my Grandma as she liked to have them in the house as cut flowers) as well as a few other goodies!!!! Today I've just got back from G's after making Fathers Day cards.
I can not wait for a lie in this weekend, I'm sooooooo tired.
I'm very sorry if I've not replied to any emails this week but my head has just not been with it :(
On the plus side it's only 2 weeks until we drive up to the Lakes to go to Woolfest!!!! We have treated ourselves to a new air mattress that is higher off the ground than our old one.
I can't wait and J seems to be looking forward to it too!!!
glad to hear you're balancing and spinning all those plates ok! 2 weeks. right better think of my shopping list.
Ooooh my friends from SnB are going to Woolfest this year.
I'm skint - but am looking forward to my order from Knitpicks!
Hi Mel,
Just to let you know, the sheep stitch markers you asked Chris to ask me for are now made and I will post them to you on Monday. Sorry for the delay, got a dodgy thumb!
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