Thursday, November 29, 2007
I'm a lot better thanks
While I've been off work I've managed to catch up on some knitting. I'm half way thro' clue 6 on MW woohoo! So just another 2 to go. I've also had a parcel thro' from Hipknits, containing the softest cash/silk lace in 'bluebell'....a lovely Eeyore blue...which is slowly getting knitted up into Branching Out from Knitty. Brill service and communications from Kerrie too!
Another parcel I received(today) was an order from Socktopus. Wow is all I can say! I ordered some addi lace needles(for MS6). The parcel was so well wrapped containing a Socktopus st marker, some sweeties and a sachet of wool wash....Alice's customer service and communications are amazing!
My stash now has a new space. J moved A into the little bedroom(at his request!) So my stash is now sitting in the larger bedroom with my ball winder and swift set up in a permanent home on the desk! I did spend some time separating my fibre from yarn stash...I didn't realise I had that much!!!! I've now got the spare bed and a tv in their for when I want a woolly hit!
Monday, November 19, 2007
I spoke to my GP this morning and that's exactly what he told me...full blown influenza...typical!
I even had a 'flu jab booked for Thursday(which has now been cancelled as there's no point). I am relieved tho' that at least I'm going to recover from this awful pain and yuckiness that I've been feeling and that it's not my usual complaints relapsing!.
Anyway that's the whinge over. I have on the other hand, although I had to make myself as my hands are still very sore, done some knitting. I've made a 3 pointed hat from Woolywormhead's blog....I did knit a rib on it tho' my bluey/greeny hand spun. I've also done about 15 rows of Viveka and finished spinning 'curry' which is ready wound up into centre pull balls for Forest Canopy shawl!
So fingers crossed(ouch that hurts!) I can catch up on the knitting I missed!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I think I've finally managed to catch up on my emails. So thank you to you all for contacting me and sending your best wishes it really means a lot.
Well, as you can imagine not much knitting has been taking place. I'm well and truly in a muddle with my MW......I tried frogging and still haven't got the correct st count so need to go back further aagghhh....brain fog has def got in the way! it's been put to one side for the time being.
I have started Viveka at a trip to my parents last Saturday(when I thought I was just going to sleep all afternoon), so the rib for the back has been done and not much else!
I have finished spinning 'curry' and just waiting for it to dry from setting the twist. I really want to do something to get my teeth into rather than reams of st st, so after an inspiring email from Chris I thought it would be perfect to use for Forest Canopy as the pattern has got a bit of umph to it.
While I'm on the subject of Chris, thank you so much for the lovely 'cheer me up' parcel I received today......beautiful turquoise/blue Collinette yarn(I love the colour so much), dark orange chocolate and some heat pads for the horrible pain I've been experiencing. I was soooooo touched, thank you again.
Fingers crossed 'curry' will be dry soon so I can wind it up and cast on....
Saturday, November 3, 2007
I love my Secret Pal!

There is 3 (yes 3!) bags of merino roving...oranges, greens and reds.
A cable sock pattern....very me!
2 notebooks and a diary,
some humbug sweets..yummy!...already eaten.
and some fab cat shaped highlighter pens....which arrived at exactly the right time as I've started the Mystic waters(MW) shawl this week!
My SP is fab, Thank you so much. I'm now looking forward to finding out exactly who you are !
This is the 1st clue for the MW shawl. My new yarn arrived early in the week and I got as far as this by Wed night. I'm about a quarter of my way thro' clue 2 now but pics of that when I've done it ! This yarn is much easier to see the pattern...and I get to use my lovely new bamboo circulars too! Donna.....notice the 'sheepies' are coming in very handy?
Last weekend was fab. I ended up staying at my parents house on Sun. My sister and I waited 'til my Dad went to bed(which wasn't as early as usual as they were still recovering from a flight back from the Caribbean which they made Friday). We then managed to decorate both his and Mum's cars, the house and the fence posts. Poppy woke me up next morning as she could hear him moving around(I was shattered as you can imagine). We went for lunch and took his cake. I really think he enjoyed his day.
I took my Fiesta('Feeps') in for her welding on Tuesday and a very sweet AA man took pity on me at the garage and drove me home so I wasn't struggling...walking and talking was very hard on Tuesday...but it was worth it for Dad to have a good birthday.
J has picked the car up and Feeps has now passed her MOT and has her tax disc for another 6 months. So I'm mobile again! out Chris, you will have a visitor when I'm up to it!
Oh nearly forgot, I managed to get some Sublime angora/merino at half price!!! I'm thinking of knitting Viveka from knitty with it, just got to make sure I've got tension with it first.
FO alert! the Denmarks are finished but J wouldn't let me block them as she wanted to wear them straight away for work!!! Pics as soon as I can.
Right I'm going to grab a cup of coffee and have a rest! Enjoy your weekend.